When it comes to dating and relationships, everyone has different expectations when it comes to the future. Some people choose to remain single, some get…
Relationship advice
Relationship advice 10 Reasons A Relationship Won’t Work Even If You Love Each Other
You always want to be in a happy relationship with someone who you are vastly in love with. However, love alone is never going to…
Relationship advice 25 Things to Know Before You Get Engaged
When you know, you know, right? Well, maybe. While gut instincts are all well and good (and often scarily accurate), here are 25 other things…
Relationship advice How Do You Want To Feel During Sex?
Warning: Content in this blog post may be seen as inappropriate and sensitive. Reader discretion is advised.Sex Bukkake Erotic Poetry Masturbation Some solo play, A…
Relationship advice 7 things men only do with the one they genuinely love – Live the glory
Man or woman, by the way! Because yes, necessarily, we do not act in the same way with a friend or one who has taken…
Relationship advice 25 Things to Put on Your Sexual Bucket List – Submissive Feminist
Do you have a bucket list? What about for sex? Most of us have goals in mind for things we’d like to try sexually before…
Relationship advice 11 Things That Can Happen To Your Mind & Body If You Don’t Socialize For A Long Period Of Time, According To Science
There’s a fine line between staying in on a Friday night and avoiding social engagements for an entire weekend. While sometimes the body needs rest…
Relationship advice 10 Things You Should Never Say to an ENFJ
ENFJs put a lot of consideration and empathy in their relationships with people. They are almost always conscientious, enthusiastic, and warm. They work hard to…
Relationship advice 11 Things to Do When You Feel Like You Don’t Have Anybody
“When you don’t have any support systems in your life…”
Relationship advice 5 Tips For Dealing With a Toxic Mother-in-Law – Her View From Home
Dealing with a toxic mother in law can be challenging as a wife and a daughter in law. Here are 5 tips for dealing with…